Meet Our Contributors
Meet the creatives we've recently collaborated with to weave our KushKush world together, just for you…
creator, smoker, poser

creator, smoker, poser

"I feel like I'm falling in love with an old friend", says Jodi of her decision to focus on cannabis as a major theme for content creation. Her passion stems from the need to know more about cannabis' inherent benefits. "There's so much more to learn, but the great thing is, it doesn't feel like work." Find her contributions on our IG feed @kushkushonline
Connect with Jodi at @jodiredelinghuys
a gay, she/her, cat mom
a gay, she/her, cat mom

"One of the issues closest to my heart is being conscious of how inclusive this industry is. Here's to more access to this medicinal plant", says content creator Tshego of her journey into in the world of cannabis. Find her contributions on our IG Feed @kushkushonline
Find out what else Tshego is up to at @mbongomuffin
storyteller, mentor, entrepreneur
storyteller, mentor, entrepreneur

Uber-savvy content creator and fashion Influencer in her own right, Zan's our favourite Jo'burg style-maven and our first choice for design-related Stories. Find her thoughts on the Stories section of the website.
Connect with Zan on Instagram @misszan or whatzandidnext
writer, feminist, stoner
writer, feminist, stoner

Freelance writer Annie Brookstone lives in Berlin but frequently shares her thoughts on cannabis with the KushKush Community - see a number of her thought-provoking and provocative articles on the Stories section of the website.
Get a glimpse into Annie’s world on Instagram @thatbabygodzilla
content curator, word surgeon, mama bear

content curator, word surgeon, mama bear

It's a gift to contribute creatively to a brand as free, empowered and unafraid as KushKush, says Justine Stafford - a freelance editor and writer living in Cape Town.
A recent cannabis convert, Justine details her personal journey from naysayer to informed consumer in a number of articles on the Stories section of KushKush.
Say 'hello, high' to Justine on Instagram.
founder, mother, #womeninweed advocate
founder, mother, #womeninweed advocate

“Profit flows from higher purpose: that’s the ethos behind KushKush’, says Jo Hope, founder of the brand.
It's been a journey with many, ahem, highs, but also a few lows. Get to know Jo, and her KushKush story better via Instagram @kushkushonline or read her full profile here